Monday, September 28, 2009

North Face Endurance Challenge 50K

Congratulations to MAJ Hannon Didier for finishing 3rd overall and to MAJ Kelly French for finishing in under 6 hours! Good job and keep up the training!

Sunday 4 October 2009 Trail Run

Link Up: 0730 Arvin Gym
Start: 0800 Toll House Parking Lot
Difficulty: Steep and technical
Distance: 4 hours (out two hours and back two hours) up Anthony's Nose, down the other side, then Northeast along the AT and back.
Admin: Bring something to carry water with, only one water point will be placed along the route.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saturday 26 Sep 09 Road Run

Link Up: Arvin Gym 0730
Start: 0745
Distance: 16+ Miles
Difficulty: One big hill and one small hill along Mine Torn Road
Four water points will be placed along the route, click on the link below to view route and water points locations:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunday 13 Sep 09 Trail and Road Run

Start: 0800
Link Up: 0730 Arvin Gym
Difficulty: Medium
Vertical Rise: 1,200 feet
Distance: One loop equals 11 miles
Admin: Bring a change of clothes, towel, money, a print of the map, trail shoes and road shoes.

Northern Parking Directions: From the junction of US 9W and NY 304, drive north on US 9W for about 1 mile. Turn right onto Short Clove Road, crossing the railroad tracks and continuing down a short distance to Riverside Avenue. Turn sharply right onto Riverside, and continue about 1 mile to its end at the bike path parking.

Southern Parking Directions: From the northern Parking Area return to US 9W, and drive south 6 miles, then turn left onto Christian Herald Road. In 0.3 miles turn sharply left onto Midland Avenue to its end, then right onto Larchdale Street to its end at North Broadway. Turn left into Nyack Beach State Park.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Foot Care from Dr. Duffy

One black toe and several blisters later I had a visit with Dr. Duffy (a podiatrist).

He recommends for trail running we wear two socks, one synthetic layer with a cotton or wool sock on the top. He also recommended if you get blisters to rub an antiperspirant on your feet before you run, he actually did a study on this. The link below has an article on the importance of socks.

How Socks Make The Feet

He also recommends that we use a softer sole trail shoe with good tread. The stiff hard soles sit higher and cause more ankle injuries, MAJ Didier and I both found this out the hard way. Click on the link below for an article on proper shoe fitting:
Recommended Shoes:

How do I know when it is time to replace my athletic shoes?

Have a great Labor Day

Have a fun and safe Labor Day, don't forget to run!

Good Luck to our Monster Marathoners:
Hannon Didier
Kelly French
Rachael Hoagland
Melissa Viator