Monday, March 30, 2009

04 April 09 Run

Saturday 04 April 09
Start: 0715
Link Up Locations: Arvin Parking lot 0700 if you need a ride, if driving on your own 0715 at Buckner parking lot.
Course Length: 6-7 miles
Time on Course: 1+ hours
Difficulty: Moderate
Breakfast Plans: Curry Lunch with the Brit!

Curry Lunch; British Veterans; the Redding Roadhouse.

On Saturday 4th April, commencing at 12 noon, the Redding Roadhouse on Rte 53 in West Redding in conjunction with the New York Chapter of the British Army Benevolent Fund America - - plans to host a Curry lunch fundraiser to benefit British veterans and their dependants.
All are welcome. An assorted buffet lunch shall be served: a mix of traditional Indian chicken, lamb and vegetable dishes with all the trimmings, as well as British fare. There shall be bagpipers and some Kipling. If needed, there shall be two sittings.
There shall be a cash bar, and the cost per lunch is $30 a head – one third of which shall be most generously donated to BABFA by the owners of the Roadhouse, one of whom (Donna Squires) is the daughter of a British Army Veteran.

Curry was originally introduced to Britain by Regiments returning from India centuries ago, and is now the most popular dish in the UK. The soldiers loved the spicy food, and they bought the recipes home with them. It is said that there are now more curry Houses in London than in Mumbai.

BABFA is the US Chapter of the Army Benevolent Fund (ABF) in the UK, and supports soldiers, former soldiers and their dependants in their times of need. BABFA supports those with disabilities and mental illness; the homeless, the unemployed, the young and the elderly.
Nor are Commonwealth comrades forgotten – the Royal Commonwealth Ex Services League is a beneficiary.
(Additionally to direct grants, the service Charities supported by BABFA can be found at:

To book for this lunch – or to ask for more details - please call Stephen Cain at 203-438-1559, or confirm by email to; or call the Redding Roadhouse at 203-938-3388.

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